Pure Beauty Interview with Mel @ Tox Aesthetics

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Recently we jumped on the opportunity and also felt incredibly honoured to have our products featured in Facials at Tox Aestheics.

A female founded and operated business committed to improving the appearance and confidence of everyone who walks through their doors.

We sat down with Dermal therapist Mel to find out some insider tips and to ask what beauty means to her.

Every day Mel works with women from all backgrounds, shapes, sizes and skin types.

Working to help them resolve skin conditions, improve complexions and feel more confident in their skin.

What does beauty mean to you?

For me, beauty is more than just how we appear on the outside, it’s about how we nourish our body, our attitudes towards one another, and the energy we surround ourselves with. Someone’s beauty is not about what they look like, it’s about how they treat themselves and others too.

What do you love most about the work you do ?

I love being able to give a person the support and tools they need to feel better about themselves and how they look. I always find it paramount to engage with clients about how they feel about themselves and what their biggest problem with their skin is. In turn, this helps me, to help them.

What is an average day in the life of Mel?

My days differ by the minute! I have three young children at home so nothing is ever guaranteed. I aim to get everyone off to school/kindy in an “orderly” fashion, though this rarely happens... I don’t get a lot of time to myself but if it’s a day I am off work, I make an important effort to hit the gym, enjoy a good coffee and take an hour of quiet time to catch my breath and recharge.

What do you do to give back to yourself? what is your favourite self care ritual?

I like to take time to enjoy my own company, though it is a rarity! Sometimes it’s a simple face mask at 9:30pm once everyone is asleep and my home is quiet... other times it’s a walk barefoot on the beach to ground myself.

What do you do to Nourish your body?

I listen to it. For me, this means;
- eating, not skipping meals and adding in healthy snacks to keep my energy levels up
- giving myself time to rest, not simply pushing through and on to the next task
- exercising, making the most of my gym membership, or going for a walk and getting some fresh air & vitamin D

What is your daily skincare routine ?

I’m a big believer in this one, it’s all about routine!
AM - SkinBetter Science enzyme cleanser, SkinBetter Science interfuse eye cream AspectDr Active C serum, AspectDr Multi B Plus serum, AspectSun SPF 50+
PM - I remove my make up with a simple micellar water first, AspectDr Deep Clean cleanser, AspectDr Complete Pigment Plus serum, AsepctDr Exfol A serum, AspectDr Resveratrol moisturiser.

What is your Number one skincare secret?

I’m not sure it’s a secret, because I tell everyone to do it! I always drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day, wear a GOOD quality SPF regardless of the season/weather and invest in a reputable medical grade skincare.

What is your favorite QrganiQ product and why?

I absolutely love the Native Honey Body Scrub, not only does it smell divine but it exfoliates AND moisturisers, it also is completely natural and organic so I know it won’t cause irritation.

If you could pass on one piece of guidance or thought to women world wide - what would it be?

The biggest impression you can have on the world is to be true to yourself and believe you’re just as beautiful, inside and out, as the girl standing next to you.
Tox is located at 44 Wheatland St Seacliff and Level 5, 19 North Terrace Hackney 

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