One of the most beautiful things about life is that we are all different.
Our hair, our skin, our values, our perceptions and personal experiences are unique to us.
We will all face challenges and hurdles, things we didn't expect
But we all have the power of choice. we can choose how we let these experiences affect us.
we can choose how we want to feel each day.
Mindset plays a huge part in this. We have to believe that we deserve good things.
We have to WANT to let go of unhealthy habits or painful memories.
This does take work, but if you believe that it can happen, if you want it to happen.
You WILL find a way to make it happen
Step by Step
You don't stop because you get old
You get old because you stop
Now, not one person is the same, so there is not one single system that will work to keep us young and fit.
But there are core essential things that have been proven to nourish us Body Mind and Attitude.
When we choose to apply them to day to day we will begin to see the rewards.
Your body will move better, inflammation is reduced, digestion improves, you sleep better and energy increases.
This is YOGA
Not just the poses …
it is synchronicity:
Body and Mind
Fuel and Rest
Air and Water
Good Health and Fitness requires accountability-
You make the choices - you have control.
This is Your Body, Your Mind, Your Life