Organic Coconut Body Scrub
Fresh Food & Water
Kind Thoughts
Spring is the perfect time to kick start a new routine. cleanse out internal and environmental toxins and nourish our body.
The skin is our largest organ. it absorbs and releases a heap of toxins each day.
A daily exfoliation stimulates lympathic system, encouraging circulation skin regenaration and detoxification.
Here are my 5 essential steps to cleanse, motivate and nourish
Daily Skin Routine (Scrub, Hydrate, Nourish)
I use Organic Coconut Body Scrub morning and night.
Just one handful in the shower cleanses, exfoliates and nourishes my skin.
My skin is replenished, circulation stimulated and I don't even need to use moisturiser.
Atleast 20 minutes of morning activity ( before breakfast and in the sun if possible)
I practice and teach yoga. I have found this to be incredible for balancing hormones, improving digestion, strengthening muscles and increasing energy.
When the weather permits I will also swim in the ocean. Vitamin D and ocean minerals are directly absorbed in to my body
Light and Nourishing meals
Equally spaced throughout the day.
Fresh herbs, Spices and seasonal foods to support digestion and detox.
Time by the Ocean
(Or atleast one mineral salt bath each week)
A warm salt bath allows nutrients to be easily absorbed in to the skin, this helps to draw out toxins and replace essential minerals. these minerals improve digestion, cleanse, nourish and regenerate skin. Mineral salt can soothe and reduce inflammation in both muscles and skin.
Although the ocean is cold. The powerful natural healing elements can nourish and energise even the most fragile body .
This is when our body heals and restores. We need atleast 7 hours for a true sleep cycle. Try to sleep in complete darkness. natural fibres and NO technology ( phones, electric blankets)
Nourish your Mind and Spirit
Words have a powerful impact on how we think and feel. (check out this study on the effect of words on water molecules. )
Each day - set a mantra for how you wish to feel. repeat this as you move your body.
something like " I am strong, I am beautiful, I am healthy" will set the tone for the day and overtime will become your reality.
You are worthy xx