Night clubs in Europe are now seeing partygoers popping pills of raw cacao instead of alcohol and drugs.
High doses of raw cacao can induce feelings of euphoria and relaxation when drunk or inhaled.
"According to The Telegraph, the active components in cocoa boost the levels of serotonin and endorphins in our brain, giving a pleasurable sensation.”
The combination of raw cacao honey and cinnamon elevates mood, calms anxiety and creates an overall sense of happy wellbeing.
It actually nourishes your brain
I pop two of these baby's each day
My mood is better
My skin is clearer
and I find that sugar cravings are all but gone
Raw, Organic and Good for your Body and Mind
I picked up all the ingredients from my local wholefoods store!
Cheaper than a block of The purple stuff and sooooo much healthier
1 C raw cacao powder
1 C melted coconut oil
1 T raw honey
1 t cinnamon
melt coconut oil in a bowl over a saucepan of water
mix in all other ingredients
pour in to small moulds and allow to set in the fridge for an hour or so
( these are best stored in the fridge as coconut oil can melt quite easily )
This super-food is also a good source of minerals associated with strong nails, shiny hair and a healthy liver and pancreas.
So there you go… Nourish your Body with Chocolate