PURE BEAUTY - With Ocea Marie

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Ocea is someone who has always been a guide to me for all things Beauty - Skin and Spirit. Ocea gives her heart and soul to help others feel beautiful - a reflection of her kind soul. She is a certified health coach and now offers full program support to others wanting to take their health and wellness to the next level.



What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty is the essence of a person, their soul, their self respect, and how they present themselves to the world. Beautiful people aren’t perfect, people who radiate beauty are comfortable in their own skin, they have a heightened level of self awareness and their souls are complete.


What do I love most about the work you do? I have been blessed that I have always loved my work or most of the elements of my work. I guess I have an understanding that it is all temporary and everything I have done and now do allows me the learning to achieve the next thing and do the next thing. I adore helping people and being part of their personal growth and their ‘aha’ moments. I get goosebumps and am filled with gratitude at the privilege to be part of it!


What do you love most about being a Mum? I adore watching my children grow, develop and become more of who they are meant to be. I adore watching my eldest son be a father, I adore watching my daughter learn to be a woman who chooses her path while being a wife, I adore watching my middle son find his place and become comfortable with who he is, and I adore watching the toddler grow and be marvelled at all the little things I forget are magnificent!


What do you do to give back to yourself? What is your favourite self care ritual? Well, I enjoy my time at the gym, yoga, Pilates. My facials are incredible and my massages keep my body tuned up. But its the white space that I keep that is my biggest gift to myself, it allows me the option of spontaneity with family and friends or simply just being present with out any guilt or thoughts of “what I should be doing.”


What do you do to nourish your body? Nourishment is number one! I believe in whole food to nourish my temple and follow a 90 / 10 rule. 90% of the time it is whole foods, and 10% of the time I am chilled with what I eat if I feel to be. I believe in community, family, love and connectedness to my spirituality to nourish my soul and spirit.


What is your  daily skin care routine? It is simple, I cleanse, use a rejuvenation creme and then moisturise with a mix of aloe vera gel, favourite essential oil of the month, and my moisturiser. Same thing day in day out! I receive regular facials. I supplement with omega-3 and aloe vera powder, b vitamins and Ayurvedic mushrooms. My number one skin care secret is rest and rejuvenation, I sleep!


What is your favourite OrganiQ skin care product?

My favourite OrganiQ product is the rose spray, I adore this and it is constant companion. Actually I need to get myself some more as I recently ran out! I use it throughout the day to refresh and to set my make up. I find it hydrates my skin and covers all seasons, preventing dehydration during the day.


The piece of guidance I would pass on is ... I have so much I want to share .... but for the moment it would be Your power comes from the moment of surrender and stillness.


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