to put that in perspective that's more than half of a region burned to the ground.
This is one little community that has been hit hard.
Our beautiful Flinders Chase National Park was lost in a matter of hours.
Home to some of the most unique and pristine flora and fauna in the world it is impossible to know what will regrow, what has survived.
Devastation does not extend only to the wildlife. An estimated 100, 000 injured sheep and cattle are right now being destroyed by volunteer farmers.
Kangaroo Island is a unique ecosystem and economy and half of it has been wiped out.
Farming and Tourism is what keeps us alive and we need your help to keep us going. We still need to work to pay the bills. To survive.
Don't cancel your trips. We still have miles of pristine coastline and beaches, beautiful beach homes and holiday accommodation.
The world's best gin and award-winning wines. Pure Honey that cannot be found anywhere else in the world and Eucalyptus oil so clean, so fresh it is like holding a gum leaf in your hand.
It’s going to take at least two years for our agricultural sector to recover. We cant restock until the fences are repaired - which takes time and labour. And then the purchase of new animals.
We no longer have feed for the stock that does remain.
And with over 1.1 million litres of water dumped on fire grounds.
The entire island is now on water restrictions just for personal use. There is nothing for animals.
This is two years of no income for some families who have been on the island since settlement.
We need your families on that Sealink Boat, in our Shacks and Hotels. Visiting our beautiful locations, taking photos and continuing to share our Island with the world.
I have made a pledge to donate all online sales of OrganiQ Scrubs direct to the Kangaroo Island Mayoral relief fund - ongoing.
Or you can donate direct.

Please share our story with your friends and community.
The entire country is hurting right now. But this is my home. Every little bit helps.