PURE BEAUTY with Emma Riemersma

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Emma Riemersma is the founder and director of EM/STYLECREATIVE.

A natural beauty, dedicated Mother and a stylist by trade; Em works her talent for SALIFE Publications inspiring women to put their best and most fashionable foot forward. Through her work Em encourages us to accept our individual unique flair which makes us who we are. When we accept ourselves at every level …we find the key to happiness. 


What does beauty mean to you?

I grew up with beautiful women around me, my Mother and 2 older sisters.
Beauty for me had the classic attractive face of the gorgeous women in my family but this was never the focus. Very early on it was cemented for me that beauty starts form within, I was always taught being beautiful meant being kind, thoughtful, equally strong and vulnerable.

What do you love the most about the work you do?

I think Im the luckiest girl in the world when it comes to work! I get to express my creativity in all facets of my work whether Im curating a Fashion Editorial for SALIFE Magazine or writing a Syle or Beauty article.
Creating visual stories as a stylist for cook books, beauty products etc. Its fun and I get to work with interesting, passionate and inspiring people.
Working with people one on one with style or beauty is very special as I love making people feel good and seeing their confidence flourish!

What is an average day in the life of Emma?

Its always an early wake up to my 3 year old, around 5.30am.
My Husband leaves about the same time for work so its action stations after he leave to get myself, Phoenix 3 and Magnolia 5 and myself of course ready for the day.
Child care, school and work! This is generally 3 days a week. After the double drop off is working on pre production for a shoot or out on Location or doing the Fashion selections for a project. Then its pick up the kids, play, dinner, stories and put the kids to bed.
After every one is settled in bed, Im back to the computer writing or organizing a shoot.

When the kids are home my husband and I make such an effort to be engaged with them, that's why I try to work around there school and sleep hours.
My beautiful Husband and I are a great team, we juggle our schedules so that I can work on the projects I am most passionate about and then be home with my little boy one or two days during the week! They are little for such a short time, its so important to me that I get the balance right.
Weekends are for family and friends and just relaxing together!

 What do you love most about being a mum?

This is a very hard question, my list is endless!
There are basic things like just loving your child and being loved by them.
When my kids are happy or sad you feel their motions, its powerful and a privilege.
I love seeing my kids personalities and hearts grow, it makes me so happy!
Most of all that we are a family, working together, to contribute to each other and the world around us!

What do you do to give back to yourself? what is your favorite self care ritual ?

Hmm not quite enough! Life can be quite stressful juggling work and family life.
There are a few things that keep me grounded, quality time with my husband and friends to talk and laugh! Walking, yoga, exercise in general.
Knowing I have tropical holiday booked mid Winter!
But the most simple self care ritual for me is a bath. First a body scrub with  Organiq then had some more salts in the water, face mask and music! Its time to relax and regroup!


What do you do to Nourish your body?

When I eat very well and have the life juggle in reasonable balance I feel amazing!

What is your daily skincare routine ?

I love layering products, a mix of natural and High-Tec anti aging.
Serums, moisturisers and sunscreen in the morning and cleanse, serum and mask at night.
Its partly the love of skincare, how good it makes my skin feel and the nurturing action caring for yourself!

What is your Number one skincare secret ?

Good health!  When I eat and sleep well, also manage my stress, my skin feels amazing. This is when I feel and look my best.

What is your favorite OrganiQ product and why?

I love the Cleanse and condition! I love it so much I included it in my ‘Summer skin’ article in this months SALIFE Magazine.
Its an all in one face scrub, cleanser, hydrator. The smell is inscribable, you can feel all the beautiful natural ingredients absorb into your skin. Your skin feels baby soft after using it.

If you could pass on one piece of guidance or thought to women and men world wide - what would it be?

Acceptance! In my experience for myself and observing others close to me I find self acceptance to be the key to happiness.
When I am at peace and accecpting my self for the choices I make, how I look, how I interact with others good and bad. We all make mistakes, its important to accept and move on. This makes us be kinder to ourselves, and to be understanding , non judgmental and kinder to others.

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